Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Sun front cover analysis

The headline is split up with the word Goal held up on a banner. As it is positioned across the models chest, it draws attention to her body. Depending on the reader, they may respond to it in different ways. A dominant reader would look at the image and enjoy what they see, which is the intent of the image. However some may be oppositional readers who do not find pleasure in the image. A negotiated reader would compromise: Look at the image, find the pleasure in the image then move on…

There is a myth that women with blonde hair are dumb and have large breasts. As she is a blonde haired model, it may signify to the reader that she has large breast. The reader may also fantasies about that too and this would be a dominant reader.

The font is simple because for the dominant reader the most important section of the page is the model and not so much the text.

The composition of the text and the image suggest the model is the subject matter and is important. This is because she is positioned in the middle, and the text is positioned to fit around her.

This is a medium shot and it is close enough for a dominant reader to clearly see her face and parts of her body that maybe visually pleasurable.

Top lighting is used and the model looks into it. This highlights her face which some readers may find pleasurable.

The headline is polysemic because it is a sexual pun. The headline with the image is anchored by the strap line which is talking about the World Cup: football. However as there is an image of a half-naked woman, the heading could signify the idea of “scoring” or getting a woman for sexual pleasures.

Kidulthood Trailer Analysis

Kidulthood is a British drama based in West London, which tells a story of three friends who face difficult situations and soon realise that life come at a price. Based on a bunch of school kids who result differently to the problems they face in their lives, mainly about; sex, drugs, and money.

we see a range of props being used throughout the trailer, especially during the clips where violence is taking place, we see a lot of guns, and baseball bats being used as a weapon, this relates to crime and makes us aware of how much it is going on around us in society today. These props are used to attack people this creates enigma as we worry on what will happen to these characters who are being attacked.

The costume worn in the film by the characters is mainly hooded clothing e.g. Tracksuit and trainers, with dark colouring. This represents the way many teenagers dress today in society. With many of the characters wearing hoods, it represents the major issue of crime within today's teenagers as they wear hooded pieces of clothing when committing a crime to cover their identity, which you may also be able to see within the trailer.

there is not much use of lighting as its mainly low key which makes it very realistic and there are no special effects. However, form the trailer were violence is taking place the lighting is very dark and dim just as the bits when their outside because the lighting then as well is dim. This symbolises the dull atmosphere being given of, and the darkness of the film. It could also represent evil commencing. In the beginning of the trailer the lighting is bright as there at a party this emphasises on the excitement going on.

the setting is in a corrupted area where a lot of violence is taking place, around their school area. It is on Ladbroke Grove and Latimer Road where crime is most common and we see the most o f violence taking place.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Beach analysis

The poster has a blue and black tint throughout the image, this connotes suspicion and fear therefore creates a mysterious atmosphere to the poster. This suggests the theme to be an adventurous and unexplained journey.

The main Character is on the side of the poster he is seen as a silhouette which makes him appears to be dangerous and peculiar protagonists toward the film. The image of him is a close up with low key lighting as it is not so realistic because it has a contrast with the other image of the long shot beach. The colour of the beach is in conflict with the protagonist as that is a darker image, and makes the audiences eye move around the page and questions why these two have been placed like this. They also give to different feelings towards the audience, as the beach is light suggesting a calm tone and the character is shadowed.

The title of the film is placed in the right bottom corner of the poster and is bold with a fiery fill. This proposes danger and jeopardy. The text is written simply to make it easier to the audience to understand. All the credits are in a white colour which makes it stand out from the rest, because it is important information.

The name at the top is in large font size, because it’s the name of the protagonist character and he himself is very famous so this draws to the character.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Media Definitions

Anchorage: Any caption or description used to define an image
The anchorage makes the viewer understand the image in a more clear way

Cropping: Cutting or trimming a image in order to highlight key features of that certain image
To make sure the image fits perfectly, and to focus on a certain section, it must be cropped

Semiotics: Is analysing signs and visual images to generate a cultural meanings

The use of semiotics helps us to understand the hidden meaning from a gun - representing war, death

Juxtaposition: Is bringing two elements together for composition
Eastenders and Coranationstreet is an example of a juxtaposition

Mise-en-scene: Is the arrangements of all the elements in a scene such as props, facial expressions and settings
CLAMPS - Costume, lighting, acting, make up, props, setting

Homage: when a director uses ideas, techniques of another to pay tribute to them for their brilliant ideas
The film Blade Runner payed homage to another directer

Demographics: Is information concerning the social status, class, gender and age
The demographics of the film Oceans 11 is watched mostly by adults

Psychographics:The relates to personality, attitues, interests or lifestyles.
The psychographics of the film Back to the Future is watched mostly by people who enjoy Science fiction

Binary opposition: is classing two opposites in media
Good vs evil, life vs death is an example of Binary oppositions

Iconography: is using elements of a scene to distinguish its genre
Iconography shows the genre of a film